School Counseling

School Counselors

Jesse Curtis

Jesse Curtis

PreK-4 School Counselor
Phone: (207) 564-6535 ext. 1139

Jeannine Reece

Jeannine Reece

5-8 School Counselor
Phone: (207) 564-6535 ext. 1137
Middle School Counselor Page

Helpful Links for Families

What is a School Counselor?

A school counselor is a certified, highly-qualified, (minimum) master’s-level professional counselor who addresses needs of all students in the areas of academic, career, and personal/social development while at the same time, working collaboratively with educators, families and the community. 


The RSU 68 School Counseling Program follows the Maine School Counselor’s Association (MESCA) Model, which is based on the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) National Model: A Framework for School Counseling Programs. Our Mission is to focus on academic, career, and personal/social development to ensure that every student benefits from a comprehensive program that is preventative in design and development in nature. The majority of the school counselor’s time is spent in direct service to students, imparting specific skills and learning opportunities in a proactive manner using classroom guidance, small group counseling and individual counseling. School counselors collaborate with the full education team, advocate for improved student learning, and lead efforts for systemic change.

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